Wednesday 13 June 2012

A life in someone elses shoes.

If i was a famous person for a day it would be incredably hard. Living in there shows, everyone has so many expectations for them. Always trying to get a photo or a signiture. There life is hard, and everyone makes it harder. They don't get to live a normal life, constanly putting on shows, or working, trying to wow there fans. If they get sick, they basically have to suck it up and do a show or theyd be letting alot of people down. Alot of money would be blown to. Everything they do ends up on the cover of a magizne, or all over the internet. They can't do anything with out someone watching being ready with a camera. They get all this money and are rich, and everyone says they are gready cause they don't donate it. Its a hard life to live. Once you go famous, nothing will ever be the same. They have to go threw a bunch of interviews, with different people, different things. They have to make there fans happy. They can't go out and live like other people, going out to bars and partying. All of that would end up on the internet and ruin your repetaion and lose your fans.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Cell phones

The purpose of this article about cellphones is that our generation is addicted to them. Three main points the author uses is one that people text infront of people and it being classified as "rude". Cellphones being used in movie theartres and loud cell phone conversations in the elvator. The last one is, not being able to communicate face to face with people. The first point i agree with, if your sitting there talking to someone you shouldn't be texting, it shows lack of intrest and makes the converstation awkward. " a third of singles said they’d left a date early because the other person was “constantly glancing” at their cell". The seond point, i disagree. Its a movie not really a big deal. If you don't want someones "glow" of a phone, you can simpley move. The loud conversations in the elevator, thats getting deep, some people need it for business. If you don't want to listen to it, just put some music in. Its gunna happen Whereever you go. The one i agree with the most, is no one can confront people face to face anymore. Its all threw faceobok or text messages. Tweeting about people and not ebing able to say it to there face. You can say "hey how are you " over text but not to a persons face. Just don't make sense.

I beleive cellphones are acceptal, when your at home or depending on the job, during yoru work.for instenst my dads job makes him constanly on the phone. Unecatbale is like on a date, meeting during school, part time jobs, jobs that you don't need it, driving is a good one to. No i think thats going over the top, if its an emercery they need to conact you, if someones in the hositapl and you were talking to someone makeing sure they are ok. Youcan't just ban cellphones, lots of people need it to keep a living. "While teenagers are texting, they spend about 10 percent of the time outside the driving lane they're supposed to be in." texting and driving is dangeous and they should really be stricter on it, theres ot really a way you can catch someone.

Wednesday 25 April 2012


"So you're feeling a bit self conscious... & you know what'll happen if they see you..." (Page 2)

Self to world.

 Everywhere you go, everything you do, no matter what people will judge. You can't aviod it, you can't stop it, you just have to ignore it. The world lives off of making people feel like crap about them selves to make them self feel good. You feel like nothing you do will be good enough. You don't want to do something becuase someone told you that you can't. If you ask me, its quite pathtic. Everyone does it, i even do it. You should be able to go down a street, wearing what you want, doing what you want. But you can't cause you know someone will be judgeing.

Example: You are in vancourver walking down the street with your friends. You are having a girls night out and going clubbing. Wearing heels and a dress. Looking forward to a good night. These young guys are going to a club to and see you and start yelling stuff. Stuff that brings your self confedence down even more. It ruined your night. You keep walking and you feel the heads turns and the eyes are on you. You can't help but put images in your head of what they are thinking, making you feel like going home and change. You try to ignore it. But it just gets to you.

Everytime you look in the mirror you will see those words. Everytime you look at someone you can't help but think what they are thinking. People will give you complitemnts but you won't belive them.

It helps me understand the book because. She is what they calll a "prostute". They are judged alot for what they do. Most people don't understand how hard there life actually is. Once your in, you can't get out. Some girls don't want it after they are in. You are walking threw hastings and see them and you just start judging them like "ew" and "unclassy". You think it doesn't hurt but it probley does. Back to the book. Candy meets a wonderful guy named joe and joe wants to save her from iggy and get her out of being pimped out from him. When you see a prostute after reading this book just think about how hard it acutally is and if they actually want it.

Friday 3 February 2012

Click that.

I wish i could have a click remote. I could pause, fast forward and rewind. The moments and memories i could save, and the memories i don't remember, i could go back and remember. I could sit there laughing at memories with people im not friends with anymore. I could pause it and just sit there and remember. I could see how happy i was. All the parties, i just couldn't remember, i'd actualyl know what happened instead of people telling me. I could save the good parts and delete the bad. Pausing moments  i just don't want to leave. Nights that i don't want to end. I could fast forward to the future to see whos still in it, to see who still stay loyal. The regrets i have i could go back and fix them and make everything better. Things that i wish i never did, i could go back and do. The fights  i had with my parents, i could go back and say nicer things. The days i lost my parents turst, i could go back and  get back. I'd go back and save all my money, And not waste it on stupid stuff. I'd find out what is going to happen in the future and then go change my past to help make that happen. I'd make it right with people i took out of my life. I'd go back and actually try in school and try in life. I wouldn't give up so easily. I'd go back and take the job i turned down. But if my life would be perfect and i wouldn't like that. I like how the things in my past has made me become who i am. Some of the things have helped me for the good and the bad. Its changed me for the right though. I like being perfectly imperfect.

Friday 9 September 2011

Peter pan.

If i could join any fairy tail, i would pick peter pan. I absouloutly love tinker bell. When i was little i always jelous of tinkerbells house.  The food fight when the food turns into color food, and everything was just magical there. There was no drama there or two faced people. Everyone was all family there. They got to live the cool life. Tinkerbell was small and just had a blast, she could make people fly.

Friday 20 May 2011

The Road Less Traveled

I don't believe everyone is passopnate about there jobs. Some people will hate them, some people will like them, some people will have to just take a job they don't want to support their family. Like for example my dad got fired at his job he had for 25 years and now the job he has is all the way in Kelowna everyday to work. He comes home and tell my mom about his day and he is always complaining about about his co workers and his job, sometimes you just gotta what you hate for your loved ones.
Theres many things i would love to do, but i have to make some decsions still because the jobs I want, it will defineatly be hard cause you don't get alot of buisness out of it, I also don't realy want to go to collage cause i was forced to take cause that is just a waste of alot of money. It will defentayl be hard to get there, just the fact that i'm broke, and that i will be having a student loan and then im gunna have to work to pay that loan off which i don't want to live knowing i have to pay off a loan, so hopefully my parents will help me out. I will also be working alot of hours and doing school, which will be difficult. I could also just take a year off and work.