Wednesday 16 May 2012

Cell phones

The purpose of this article about cellphones is that our generation is addicted to them. Three main points the author uses is one that people text infront of people and it being classified as "rude". Cellphones being used in movie theartres and loud cell phone conversations in the elvator. The last one is, not being able to communicate face to face with people. The first point i agree with, if your sitting there talking to someone you shouldn't be texting, it shows lack of intrest and makes the converstation awkward. " a third of singles said they’d left a date early because the other person was “constantly glancing” at their cell". The seond point, i disagree. Its a movie not really a big deal. If you don't want someones "glow" of a phone, you can simpley move. The loud conversations in the elevator, thats getting deep, some people need it for business. If you don't want to listen to it, just put some music in. Its gunna happen Whereever you go. The one i agree with the most, is no one can confront people face to face anymore. Its all threw faceobok or text messages. Tweeting about people and not ebing able to say it to there face. You can say "hey how are you " over text but not to a persons face. Just don't make sense.

I beleive cellphones are acceptal, when your at home or depending on the job, during yoru work.for instenst my dads job makes him constanly on the phone. Unecatbale is like on a date, meeting during school, part time jobs, jobs that you don't need it, driving is a good one to. No i think thats going over the top, if its an emercery they need to conact you, if someones in the hositapl and you were talking to someone makeing sure they are ok. Youcan't just ban cellphones, lots of people need it to keep a living. "While teenagers are texting, they spend about 10 percent of the time outside the driving lane they're supposed to be in." texting and driving is dangeous and they should really be stricter on it, theres ot really a way you can catch someone.