Friday 20 May 2011

The Road Less Traveled

I don't believe everyone is passopnate about there jobs. Some people will hate them, some people will like them, some people will have to just take a job they don't want to support their family. Like for example my dad got fired at his job he had for 25 years and now the job he has is all the way in Kelowna everyday to work. He comes home and tell my mom about his day and he is always complaining about about his co workers and his job, sometimes you just gotta what you hate for your loved ones.
Theres many things i would love to do, but i have to make some decsions still because the jobs I want, it will defineatly be hard cause you don't get alot of buisness out of it, I also don't realy want to go to collage cause i was forced to take cause that is just a waste of alot of money. It will defentayl be hard to get there, just the fact that i'm broke, and that i will be having a student loan and then im gunna have to work to pay that loan off which i don't want to live knowing i have to pay off a loan, so hopefully my parents will help me out. I will also be working alot of hours and doing school, which will be difficult. I could also just take a year off and work.